Experiments in Writing

The Experiments in Writing prompts for every Monday and Tuesday will be posted on this blog each week. Many of the prompts and the program were developed by Diane Tabor and Richard Herrmann, and edited and revised by Rob Riordan. Writing Captains of the Week: Remember to e-mail me at cstaff@hightechhigh.org by 5pm Thursday with your groups' chosen writing pieces of the week. Writers' Workshop is on Fridays. Enjoy! Remember to write passionately and constantly!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Experiment #2: Monday, April 17th

An Experiment in Seeing and Writing

Write down, as fast as you can, all the things that you see: everything that comes before your eyes -- objects, things, shapes, colors, textures, people -- everything and anything that your eyes fall on. Try to look for details about the things that you see. Write also about what things look like, what they resemble. Say too what you are reminded of by what you see.

Remember that there is no right or wrong way to do this. Don’t worry about spelling or correctness right now. Just try to write down on paper as much of what you see as you can.


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