Experiments in Writing

The Experiments in Writing prompts for every Monday and Tuesday will be posted on this blog each week. Many of the prompts and the program were developed by Diane Tabor and Richard Herrmann, and edited and revised by Rob Riordan. Writing Captains of the Week: Remember to e-mail me at cstaff@hightechhigh.org by 5pm Thursday with your groups' chosen writing pieces of the week. Writers' Workshop is on Fridays. Enjoy! Remember to write passionately and constantly!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Experiment #3: Tuesday, April 18th

Closed Eye and Ear Exercise:
An Experiment in Listening and Writing

The purpose of this exercise is to sharpen your hearing, to help you really listen, and also to loosen up your inner responses -- your feelings and your imagination.

What to do:

Stop up your ears really tight, and close your eyes. Try to relax. Count slowly to 100. When you get to 100, still keep your eyes shut, but open up your ears and pay close attention to what you hear.

Just listen for a while. Don’t write just yet. Notice as many separate and distinct sounds as you can.

Think what the sounds are like, what they remind you of (even if you recognize what the sounds really are). Be aware of the feelings that go on inside you as you do all this.

Let your imagination go!

Eventually start writing down all these responses -- as many of them as you can. Try to keep your eyes on your paper and try not to notice anyone else. Don’t do anything to break the mood. This works best if it is very private - a real experiment with your inner self.

Write in any form that seems natural to you. Go as fast as you can and still keep your writing legible. Use your imagination and let your feelings go! Write as naturally as you can.


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