Experiments in Writing

The Experiments in Writing prompts for every Monday and Tuesday will be posted on this blog each week. Many of the prompts and the program were developed by Diane Tabor and Richard Herrmann, and edited and revised by Rob Riordan. Writing Captains of the Week: Remember to e-mail me at cstaff@hightechhigh.org by 5pm Thursday with your groups' chosen writing pieces of the week. Writers' Workshop is on Fridays. Enjoy! Remember to write passionately and constantly!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Experiments in Writing #5: Tuesday, April 25th

Sense of Touch

Each pair has a paper bag full of goodies to explore through the sense of touch. Don't look inside the bag or take any of the objects outside of the bag. Feel around the bag and describe what is inside using adjectives that describe temperature, texture, shape, etc. Use similes and metaphors to describe what your object is like or reminds you of.

Explore the object that will be given to you -- explore it thoroughly. Take your time, and explore with your hands, touching the object in different ways -- perhaps putting it to your face. Really try to “get the feel” of whatever it is you are seeking to describe. Pay attention to the more subtle aspects of what something “feels like.” What is the texture, the temperature, the grain, the hardness or softness -- any of the dimensions you can sense.

First, concentrate on what the object feels like. Then -- start to write in the usual way. Try to capture as many details as you can, and to keep up with your thoughts and feelings. Say what things remind you of, and what your feelings are as you do this exercise.

The fun is not necessarily in guessing the objects in the bag, but rather tapping into your descriptive writing skills. After you describe the itens in your bag by touch, you will be turning in your pieces of writing and sharing them with a random partner for the next activity.


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